WhatsApp launched the Occasions characteristic for Communities in Could and began rolling it for group chats for beta customers on Android in June. Later, WhatsApp started testing Neighborhood announcement group occasions on its beta app for Android, and now, it is engaged on the Neighborhood group chat occasion period characteristic.
This revelation comes from WABetaInfo, who stated WhatsApp has began testing the Neighborhood group chat occasion period characteristic on WhatsApp for Android’s beta model
With this characteristic, group group members will be capable of create occasions with particular begin and finish occasions whereas additionally including a location and a WhatsApp name hyperlink to them.
This characteristic must be useful in Communities the place a number of occasions should be scheduled. It is unclear when WhatsApp will roll it for all customers worldwide, however in case you are an Android person and might’t look ahead to the general public rollout, you’ll be able to join the beta program to present it a strive.