Gujarat Police made a major breakthrough within the Mahadev Satta Matka betting rip-off by arresting Bharat Chaudhary, an in depth aide of the alleged mastermind, Saurabh Chandrakar. Chaudhary, who managed a large-scale on-line cricket betting community, was apprehended in Kutch. Throughout interrogation, police uncovered monetary accounts value INR 5200 crore. The Mahadev betting app, which facilitated unlawful playing on numerous video games, generated an estimated INR 200 crore each day. Chaudhary had surrendered his Indian passport and sought Saint Lucia citizenship to evade Indian regulation. Border Vary IGP Chirag Koradia highlighted Chaudhary’s essential position in growing the app’s web site and managing its Hawala community. Mahadev Betting App Rip-off: 4 Open 95 Financial institution Accounts on Pretext of Offering Jobs to Unemployed in Chhattisgarh’s Jashpur, Transact INR 28 Crore; Arrested.
Bharat Chaudhary Arrested in Mahadev Satta Matka Betting App Rip-off
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